
Whether backstage, onstage, or in the audience, live theatre is an experience like no other. QCT’s education department offers a variety of ways to infuse your classroom with the electric excitement and joy of live theatre.
QCT offers in-person and virtual options for theatre workshops at your school or community organization. Topic, format and duration (i.e. single-, multi-day or multi-week residencies) of workshops will be tailored to suit your classroom’s needs.
Skills learned through these workshops include:
- Public Speaking
- Collaboration/Teamwork
- Problem Solving
- Creative Thinking
Examples of lesson include:
- Playwriting
- Physical Theatre
- Storytelling
- Acting Shakespeare
Schedule your workshop today!
Target audience: K-12th grade
Class size should be limited to 30 students
45-minute workshop = $75 (The time frame and length of the classes/workshops are flexible.)
Backstage Tours
Give your students the opportunity to see what happens “behind the curtain.” Tours of Quincy Community Theatre, located within the Oakley-Lindsay Center in downtown Quincy, are available for school, community or private groups. In the tour, students will learn that more is needed to put on a show than just the actors; theatre is a collaborative art form!
Tours: $3/person
A workshop can be added to the tour for an additional fee.
qct on the road
Jack & Phil Slayers of Giants, Inc.
Touring Dates: April 7 – May 16, 2025
QCT On the Road provides the performance and production equipment…you provide the space and the audience! Below, please find all the information you need to book your performance and prepare for our visit.
Jack and Phil: Slayers of Giants, Inc. is a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale “Jack and the Beanstalk” full of whimsy, wit and a timely message about friendship and self-confidence. The story focuses on new character Phil, Jack’s best and only friend. To save Jack’s house from being sold, the two friends purchase “magical beans” that promise fame and fortune to anyone who possesses them. The next morning, a giant beanstalk suddenly grew right between Jack and Phil’s houses. As Phil rescues Jack time and again—while Jack takes the credit for the town’s newfound prosperity—tensions emerge between the two best friends. What would you give up for “fame and fortune?”
Jack and Phil: Slayers of Giants, Inc. is available for daytime performances Monday – Saturday, 8:00AM to 4:00PM.*
• The run time is approx. 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A with the cast.
• The show is best suited for grades K-5, but can be enjoyed by all!
• Please factor in 1 hour of setup in the performance space before your scheduled show time, plus approx. 30 minutes of load-out time at the end of the event.
*performance times outside of this time frame may be discussed with the tour manager
Additional Performances
Our touring performance is designed as an immersive live theatre event, with no microphones or overpowering sound systems; to ensure the best experience for your students, we ask that audiences be limited to 150 students.
If you would like to share Jack and Phil with more students, we are happy to run multiple performances at your school or organization at a discounted rate. Additional performances can be scheduled back-to-back, or on subsequent days.
Space Requirements
QCT on the Road requires a performance space of approximately 20 ft. x 20 ft., plus ample space for the audience to sit on the ground or in seats. Gyms, cafeterias, and auditoriums* typically work best!
*If booked into an auditorium or theater space, please ensure that facilities staff is available for tech assistance.
Performance Rates
First Performance $200
Each Additional Performance $150
How to Book
Reservations are open now and can be made any time before the end of our touring period (April 7 – May 16, 2025). We recommend you reserve your preferred performance date and time early, as our touring calendar tends to fill quickly.
Please email Nicole Herrington (nicole.herrington@1qct.org) with your requested date, time, number of performances, and address of your school or organization. Please indicate the type of venue where the show will perform (auditorium, gym, cafeteria, etc.). We will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss and finalize your reservation.