August Volunteer Spotlight: Allyson Riley
For our August 2023 Volunteer Spotlight, QCT spoke with Allyson Riley!
Allyson is starring in her very first Quincy Community Theatre production as “Miss Scarlet” in CLUE! The production runs September 8-10 & 14-17. Tickets are on sale Monday, August 14 at 10 AM. Click here for more information on the show.

1. Question: This is your very first role at QCT! How did you get involved/what inspired you to get involved with QCT? Have you ever been in a stage production elsewhere?
Let me start by saying how excited I am to be involved with this production! I acted in a handful of small plays at church and in junior high but haven’t stepped onto a stage in 25 years! My daughter loves the theatre also, and she really urged me to get involved. She participated in QCT’s TRIPLE THREAT BOOT CAMP a couple summers ago and raved about how wonderful the experience was.
2. Question: What is one of your favorite stage productions? Why did you choose that?
In school, I traveled to New York and saw Cats on Broadway which was amazing! My kids and I have spent a fair share of time watching shows like Shrek The Musical, Hamilton, Legally Blonde, RENT, Little Shop of Horrors, and countless others. My daughter and I are traveling to St. Louis to see Beetlejuice on stage in October. There is something about the energy of a stage production that fills the room, and you can’t help but to absorb it. I am emotionally moved very easily and that is tangible in theatre. I am so happy I passed this passion onto my daughter and watch as she relishes it as well!
3. Question: CLUE rehearsals are just getting underway; but, how has the process been so far? What are you most looking forward to in this production?
So far, it has been amazing. Since this is my first production, I’m a newbie in every sense of the word! I’ve never felt so immediately welcomed in a room! In just two days of reading over the script, our dynamic with each other has grown so much! I think I’m most excited to watch that continue. Every rehearsal, every scene that’s blocked, we will morph into the show that we will soon put on for everyone. I hope I am able to remember every single second of this experience.
4. Question: Describe the audition process – did you come in hoping to receive the role of “Miss Scarlet” or was it a surprise to you to receive this role?
This entire experience has been an absolute surprise to me, in all honesty I may still be in disbelief! I am at a stage in my life where I wanted to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone, which brought me to the audition process. I was so nervous! I actually debated staying in my car and not going through with it! I left that day proud that I accomplished it. Never thought in my wildest dreams I’d get a callback. I spent the entire callback laughing until my sides hurt watching all the others read their parts, so I told myself that was worth it in itself. I started to feel like “Scarlet” felt the most natural for me in her attitude, but I never thought I’d be cast. My daughter was the first person I called when I received the news, and I was shaking with excitement! I never thought I’d be seen as someone to take on this role, but I’ll be grateful for it everyday!
5. Question: Are you a fan of the “CLUE” movie (1985) or the board game? If so, do you have a memory or favorite aspect of these to share?
I grew up with the movie and have owned the DVD for probably 20 years or more! Even my children were raised on those classic movies from the 80’s; I consider this movie to be a classic! No matter how many times I watch it, I still crack up laughing. My kids have always hated playing the board game with me because I can usually guess correctly in about three moves!
6. Question: What other shows from QCT’s 100th anniversary season have you enjoyed, or you look forward to seeing?
My daughter and I have been to RENT and LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE: THE MUSICAL and loved them! She has friends who are actively involved with QCT as well, and I’m in awe at all the talent that walks onto that stage! We were so excited when we heard about CLUE, and I would have been filling a seat if I hadn’t been cast. We are already talking about what is in store for next year!
7. Question: What would you say to encourage someone else to get involved at QCT?
Go for it! Step out of your comfort zone and give it a try. Maybe acting isn’t the thing for you, but there’s so many ways to be involved with QCT. Being part of something that is such an amazing resource to the community is a blessing. I don’t think we realize how lucky we are to have something like it here in Quincy. I’ll definitely be getting more involved in future productions, so keep a watch out!